
靜宜大學 華語文教學中心


1. 現金付款
2. 信用卡付款手續費1.82%



2021 Fall Term Tuition Fees (Updated)
Period Tuition
3 months

NT$ 26,500

6 months NT$ 50,000
9 months NT$ 75,000
12 months NT$ 99,000
1 對 1 NT$ 500/hr
1 對 2 NT$ 350/hr
 1 對 3 NT$ 250/hr
 1 對 4 NT$ 200/hr


附註:新生第一次收報名費 600 元,課程學費於每期開學一週前繳交,中心提供早鳥優惠新台幣 500 元折扣(僅限團體班,不含一對一)




1.退費僅限退還學費。Refunds refer solely to tuition refunds.

2.華語文研習班正式開課日前一天申請退費,退還學費九成。Students who submit a refund form one day before the CLP course starts are entitled to a 90% refund of the tuition.

3.華語文研習班正式開課前,若因招生不足或外在不可抗力之因素,導致無法開課,退還 全額費用。If a class cannot open due to a shortage of enrolled students or as a result of force majeure, students are entitled to a full refund.

4.華語文研習班正式開課後,若因個人因素,而申請退費者,開課後未逾該班授課時數三 分之一,退還學費五成;開課後已逾該班授課時數三分之一,不予退費。After a CLP semester starts, students who, due to personal reasons, submit a refund request before passing the first third of the total class hours are entitled to a 50% refund; no refund will be granted after the first third of the total class hours.

5.欲辦理退費者,得於事件發生一星期內,填寫退費申請表,並檢附所需文件,且須自行 負擔匯款手續費用,匯款手續費將從匯款內扣除。Students who intend to request a refund must complete the refund request form within one week of the incident and attach required documents, then submit them to the responsible authority. Students are responsible for any remittance surcharges, which will be deducted from the refund amount.

6.申請退費所需文件包含退費申請表、繳費證明正本、學生證正本、護照或居留證影本, 退費一律採匯款方式退費,請提供存摺封面清晰影本。Required documents for a refund request include a refund request form, original copy of proof of payment, original student ID card, a photocopy of passport or ARC. Refund is paid by remittance, please provide a clear photocopy of the cover page of the applicant’s bank account book.